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A list of useful phrases

Here is a list of useful phrases for expressing likes, dislikes, needs and wants.

I like…
I very much enjoy…(all registers)
I am really into…(informal)
I was very impressed by…(all registers)
I am keen on…(informal/semi-formal)
I adore…(all registers)
I am fond of…(informal/semi-formal)

I dislike…
I can’t stand…(informal)
I loathe… (all registers)
I am not partial to…(all registers)
I am not at all enamoured by…(formal)
I detest…(all registers)
I can’t bear…(informal)

I need…
I just can’t do without…(informal)
(xx) is a real necessity (semi-formal/formal)
I must have… (all registers)
I require… (semi-formal/formal)
(xx) will be essential (semi-formal/formal)
It is absolutely vital that…(semi-formal/formal)

I want…
I would very much like to…(all registers)
I really fancy…(informal)
I would love to…(all registers)
If I could*, I would…(all registers)

*This is a conditional phrase – the speaker CANNOT do what they want to do. For more information, see the conditionals lesson.


A list of useful phrases

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A list of useful phrases