Home 9 General English 9 Category: Business English

Business English

Contributing during a business meeting in English

Contributing during a business meeting in English. On this page, we will look at what ways you can say something in a meeting and how you can ask other people to say something. Make sure you've looked at the previous pages in this lesson - how to start a business...

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Staying on topic in a business meeting

Staying on topic in a business meeting. On this page, we will look at what you can do to make sure the meeting stays on the topic. A lot of meetings would be a lot short if other people didn't try to change the subject or talk about things that are not relevant to the...

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Starting a business meeting in English

Starting a business meeting in English. On this page, we will look at some of the language used to start a business meeting in English. Keep in mind that the language you use will depend on how formal or informal the meeting is. Before we being, let's just take a...

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