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IELTS Vocabulary

Using idioms in IELTS

Using idioms in IELTS

What are idioms? English idioms are expressions that have a meaning of their own, and where understanding all of the individual words doesn't necessarily mean you will understand an idiom. For example, the idiom 'a can of worms' actually has nothing to do with cans or...

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Can I use use idioms and phrasal verbs in IELTS?

An idiom is a phrase created from a group of words that does not necessarily have any meaning related to the words themselves. For example, 'that rings a bell' actually has nothing to do with ringing or bells - it simply means that something is 'vaguely familiar'....

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The different types of learning and learner

In many traditional, conservative learning environments, the most common way to study is to gather groups of students in a room with a teacher or lecturer speaking about a particular subject. There are, however, alternative ways to study that have proven to be...

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Types of communication / communicator

The following vocabulary is useful for understanding and discussing types of communication / communicator Types of spoken communication A discussion - when two or more people discuss a specific matter. It is often a formal situation where topics are discussed, often...

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TOPIC VOCABULARY: The environment

Other words for environment Habitat - the natural home of an animal or plant The natural world - used when talking about nature Ecology - the relationship between animals and plants to their natural environment Dwelling - place where animals or plants live...

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