Home 9 Free IELTS preparation resources 9 IELTS voocabulary for the city environment and infrastructure

IELTS voocabulary for the city environment and infrastructure

In this lesson, we are focusing on vocabulary used to describe cities, particularly the city environment  – the places, buildings and locations that you can refer to when talking or writing about cities.
IELTS vocabulary for a city infrastructure

Take a look at the list below. How many words do you know? If there are any words you are not familiar with, we strongly recommend that you look them up in a dictionary. Once you have looked through the list, try the vocabulary exercise that follows.

Public transportation:

  • subway/underground/train/metro/light rail/ferry/Tube (UK English)
  • mass transit/queue


  • landfill
  • waste disposal


  • electricity
  • sewage
  • water
  • power
  • telecommunications


  • parks/libraries/clubs/zoos
  • megacentres/malls/boutiques
  • theatres/cinema complex/galleries/botanical gardens

Roads and traffic

  • traffic jam(s)
  • (heavy) traffic congestion
  • motorway  (UK English)
  • freeway (US English)
  • highway
  • lane/road/street/boulevard/avenue


  • noise pollution
  • light pollution
  • Smog

1)   The basic, and essential, facilities and services of a city such as bridges, roads and power supplies 
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2)   Slow-moving traffic, because of too many vehicles
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Traffic jam OR traffic congestion

3)   Waste water that needs to be safely removed from housing areas and cleaned
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4) Where rubbish is buried in a hole and then eventually covered with earth
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5) In many cities, the residents cannot see the night sky clearly because streets lamps and other factors cause too much
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Light pollution

6) The British English word for a train service, often underground, that helps commute get around a city  (most commonly in London)
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The Tube

7) A thick layer of pollution that hangs over a city, often looking like bad weather / grey sky
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IELTS voocabulary for the city environment and infrastructure

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IELTS voocabulary for the city environment and infrastructure