Home 9 Unit 6 vocabulary list

Unit 6 vocabulary list

Unit 6 vocabulary list.

  • Look carefully through the list to make sure you know the words and are confident that you can use them in your written or spoken English.
  • Look up the meaning of any new words and put them in a sentence.
  • Make a handwritten note of any new words, ideally in a separate note pad that you carry with you. Whenever you have a few minutes – waiting for a bus, just before going to sleep, waiting for the kettle to boil – take out the list and look through, reminding yourself of the word and the meaning.
  • Improving your vocabulary for IELTS takes practice, so try to use the new word(s) in any suitable situation over the next few weeks – using the new word will help you remember it!
  • Write the new word a number of times – writing down vocabulary will help you remember it and will also help with spelling.


abroad accustom acquire
admit adopt affect
agent ahead aid
alive allowance ash
bathe bay blame
calm cause certain
cheer chemical coal
coast code colleague
comfort complain confront
coward crime criminal
curious curl current
curtain damage dare
defeat defend deny
depend describe design
detail diamond dine
direct disappear disappoint
dismiss display distance
distribute district disturb
draft duty eager
ease effective enable
entertain envy escape
establish eventual examine
exceed excess excessive
exclude exist expense
explode explore expose
extensive extent fade
faith fame fate
fault feather feature
fierce flash flesh
flexible focus fond
formal format former
forth fortune foundation
framework function gather
generous globe glory
grade gradual grave
greed guarantee guard
guilt haste haughty
hesitation highlight highway
homemade honesty honour
host hunger identical
impossible improve increase
indeed index insert
inspect instance instant
instruct insult interfere
internal interpret interrupt
interruption invest involve
inward issue kingdom
ladder lecture lend
liberal liberty licence
likewise limb locate
lodge logic major
male manufacture mature
maximise medical medicine
memory mention merchant
military milligram millilitre
millimetre million mineral
modest modesty momentary
motherhood motherly multiplication
multiply nation native
necessity nonsense notion
numerous obvious offset
ongoing opinion output
overcome overflow overlap
postpone qualification satisfactory
strategy stress structure
undertake virtual weapon
widespread yield  

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Unit 6 vocabulary list

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Unit 6 vocabulary list