Unit 9 vocabulary list.
- Look carefully through the list to make sure you know the words and are confident that you can use them in your written or spoken English.
- Look up the meaning of any new words and put them in a sentence.
- Make a handwritten note of any new words, ideally in a separate note pad that you carry with you. Whenever you have a few minutes – waiting for a bus, just before going to sleep, waiting for the kettle to boil – take out the list and look through, reminding yourself of the word and the meaning.
- Improving your vocabulary for IELTS takes practice, so try to use the new word(s) in any suitable situation over the next few weeks – using the new word will help you remember it!
- Write the new word a number of times – writing down vocabulary will help you remember it and will also help with spelling.
acknowledge | allocate | animosity |
aspect | assemble | assign |
assist | association | assume |
assure | attach | attain |
attentive | attitude | attribute |
attrition | authority | automate |
autonomy | available | avarice |
aware | ban | barber |
basin | beak | beast |
behalf | belligerent | beneficiary |
benefit | bias | bond |
brave | breadth | bribe |
bribery | brief | broadcast |
bulk | cage | canal |
capable | capacity | capricious |
carriage | case | category |
cattle | caution | cease |
ceremony | challenge | channel |
character | charisma | chastise |
cheat | circumstance | cite |
citizen | civil | clarify |
clause | coarse | cognitive |
coherent | coincide | collapse |
collar | colony | combine |
command | commence | commerce |
commercial | commission | communicate |
compatible | compensate | compile |
complement | complex | complicity |
component | compose | composition |
compound | comprise | conceive |
concentrate | concept | concoct |
concurrent | condone | conduct |
confer | confess | confession |
confine | confirm | congenial |
congratulate | congratulation | conquer |
conqueror | conquest | conscious |
consensus | consist | constant |
constitute | constrain | construct |
consult | contemporary | context |
contiguous | controversy | convene |
convenience | convenient | convivial |
core | creep | criteria |
critic | cryptic | culpable |
cultivate | curse | curtail |
curve | dearth | debate |
deceit | deceive | declare |
deduce | deference | define |
delineate | denote | derive |
derogatory | descend | descendant |
descent | destroy | destruction |
destructive | deteriorate | deviate |
devise | diligent | dimension |
diminish | discrete | discriminate |
disparage | displace | distort |
diverse | docile | doleful |
domain | dominant | dominate |
dormant | duplicate | duration |
dynamic | earnest | eccentric |
efface | egocentric | elicit |
eliminate | emerge | eminent |
emphasis | empire | empirical |
evolve | imitate | inherit |
obey | obligation | observe |
predict | prohibit | reflect |
revenue | status | stifled |
subordinate | sustain | toil |
vestige | vindicate |