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Cause and effect: As a result

Here is some more information on this linking word. Note the use of punctuation.

Linking word: As a result

Meaning: To talk about the effect of something; what happened because of another action

Common use 1: Connects between sentences

Grammar: Complete clause. Linking word + comma + complete clause

Example: Many farmers are using chemicals. As a result, local rivers are being polluted.

Common error: Many farmers are using chemicals as a result. Local rivers are being polluted.

Meaning: To talk about the effect of something; what happened because of another action

Common use 2
: At the end of a sentence

Grammar: Complete clause. Complete clause + linking word

Example: Many farmers are using chemicals. Local rivers are being polluted as a result.

Common error: Many farmers are using chemicals, local rivers are being polluted as a result.


Cause and effect: As a result

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Cause and effect: As a result