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Free PTE preparation resources

PTE Listening Highlight incorrect words exercise 1

Now test your skills with PTE Listening Highlight incorrect words exercise 1. To simulate the real PTE test, you should only play the audio ONCE. You will hear a recording about. Below is a transcript of the recording. Some words in the transcription differ from what...

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PTE Listening Summarise spoken text practice exercise 1

In PTE Listening summarise spoken text practice exercise 1, you will hear a short recording. Write a summary for a fellow student who was not present at the lecture. You should write 50-70 words. You have 10 minutes to finish this task. Your response will be judged on...

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About PTE Part 3 (Listening)

This page is about PTE Part 3 (Listening), which focuses on your listening skills. However, it is very important in the PTE test to remember that you will actually need to use a range of skills in each section - in this case, you will need to use more skills than just...

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Understanding PTE Part 2 Item type 3- Re-order paragraphs

What you have to do for this question type: For this task, you are judged on your ability to understand the organisation and cohesion of an academic text. You will need to put sections of a reading text in the correct order. Several text boxes appear on screen in a...

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About PTE Part 2 (Reading)

This page is about PTE Part 2 (Reading), which (as you probably guessed!), focuses on your reading skills. However, it is very important in the PTE test to remember that you will actually need to use (and will be tested on) more than just your reading. This section of...

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About PTE Part 1 (Speaking and writing)

This page is to give you more information about PTE Part 1 (Speaking and writing). Make sure to visit our pages on each of the question types used in this section of the test! NOTE: PTE uses the word 'item' to refer to a question type Item...

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Understanding PTE Part 1 Item type 8 – Write an essay

What you have to do for this question type: For this question type, you need to write a formal essay on a given topic. The time you are given and the amount of words required make this a challenging question type, so practice is essential. Task length and timing: You...

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Understanding PTE Part 2 Item type 1- Fill in the blanks

What you have to do for this question type: For PTE Part 2 Item type 1- Fill in the blanks, you will need to read a text that appears on screen. The text will have several missing words, and you need to drag the words from the box to fill the gaps. Task length and...

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An example of PTE Part 1 Item type 5 – Retell a lecture

Here's an example of PTE Part 1 Item type 5 - Retell a lecture. Use the image shown to help you get an idea of what the audio recording is about, then listen to the recording. A model answer has also been provided (note that this is not the only way this could have...

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The structure of the PTE test

The structure of the PTE test is fairly straight forward. First of all, the test is divided into 3 sections. You begin with PART 1: Speaking and Writing, then Part 2: Reading and finally Part 3: Listening. However, it is important not too focus too much on the names...

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Understanding PTE Part 1 Item type 5 – Retell a lecture

What you have to do for this question type: For this section of the PTE test, you will hear a lecture and will have to summarise what you heard. It is one of the most difficult PTE questions in the speaking test, so practice is essential to do well with this question...

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PTE speaking repeating a sentence exercise 4

On this page, you can improve your skills with PTE speaking repeating a sentence exercise 4. The third part of the PTE speaking test will require you to repeat a sentence. Although this may sound relatively easy, you have to memorise the sentence as you hear it, and...

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PTE speaking repeating a sentence exercise 3

On this page, you can improve your skills with PTE speaking repeating a sentence exercise 3. The third part of the PTE speaking test will require you to repeat a sentence. Although this may sound relatively easy, you have to memorise the sentence as you hear it, and...

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PTE speaking repeating a sentence exercise 2

On this page, you can improve your skills with PTE speaking repeating a sentence exercise 2. The third part of the PTE speaking test will require you to repeat a sentence. Although this may sound relatively easy, you have to memorise the sentence as you hear it, and...

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Tips for repeat a sentence questions in the PTE test

Here are some tips for repeat a sentence questions in the PTE test. Tip 1: As soon as the speaker has said the sentence, the recorder will start immediately - don't delay with your answer, and don't try to write anything down. Tip 2: Close your eyes and focus ONLY on...

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PTE Part 1 Item type 3 – Repeating a sentence

On this page, we will look at PTE Part 1 Item type 3 - Repeating a sentence. Here is the basic information you need to know. What you have to do for this question type: In Part 1 of the PTE test, the third question type (PTE refer to question types as 'items') is...

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PTE Part 1 Item type 2 – Reading aloud

What you have to do for PTE Part 1 Item type 2: For PTE Part 1 Item type 2 – Reading aloud, you need to read a short passage aloud. The passage will appear on the screen and you are given between 30 and 40 seconds to prepare your response. This is the first part of...

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PTE Part 1 Item type 1 – Giving personal information

What you have to do for PTE Part 1 Item type 1 - Giving personal information: For PTE Part 1 Item type 1 - Giving personal information, you are required to provide some personal information about yourself. The good news is that this section of the test is not scored....

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How the PTE test is scored

OK, let's be clear about this from the beginning - the way the PTE test is scored is extremely unclear, seems pointlessly confusing and has multiple layers. It is also very unfair to candidates that are trying to have a logical goal to follow. Let's start by looking...

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Model answer for describing an image for PTE – a graph

Now let's use the 4 point checklist for organising your description to create a model answer for describing an image for PTE - a graph. Here's the checklist: (a) General content (b) Main trend / notable point (c) Detail (d) Concluding statement And here's the graph:...

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PTE Part 1 Item type 4 – Describe an image

On this page, we will look at PTE Part 1 Item type 4 - Describe an image. What you have to do for this question type: In Part 1 of the PTE test, the fourth question type (PTE refer to question types as 'items') is where you need to describe an image shown on screen....

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Using good intonation when reading aloud in the PTE test

Using good intonation when reading aloud in the PTE test is essential, so here are some notes about how punctuation can help you demonstrate good intonation. Make sure you have read the basic information about this question type before you begin! It’s not common, but...

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Pacing your response when reading aloud in the PTE test

One of the most important aspects of reading aloud in the PTE test is being able to pace your answer. Reading too quickly or too slowly will cost points, but reading at EXACTLY the same speed throughout will likely make your voice monotonous and is not a natural way...

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Full text practice for unknown vocabulary in the PTE test

Dealing with unknown vocabulary in the PTE test - long exercise Now read the text below and guess what the missing word could be using the skills from the beginning of this lesson. Every nation has a sport to represent it. In the UK there is football and in the US...

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5 ways to deal with unknown vocabulary in the PTE test

A wide range of active vocabulary is absolutely essential to get a good result in the PTE test, as it will help in all sections of the test. On this page, we will look at 5 ways to deal with unknown vocabulary in the PTE test. One issue that is often overlooked is the...

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PTE speaking repeating a sentence exercise 1

On this page, you can improve your skills with PTE speaking repeating a sentence exercise 1. The third part of the PTE speaking test will require you to repeat a sentence. Although this may sound relatively easy, you have to memorise the sentence as you hear it, and...

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PTE listening dictation exercise 1

For free PTE listening practice 1, we will look at dictation questions. For this question type, you need to listen to a short recording and type what you hear. The sentences are between 10 and 15 words long, and if you prefer you can make notes before typing in your...

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Some facts about the PTE test

Some facts about the PTE test

The PTE test (the Pearson Test of English) is a test of English that can often be taken instead of the IELTS test. There are two formats of the test - PTE Academic and PTE General. AvailabilityPTE Academic is much more common than the General test. In fact, the PTE...

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