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CEFR Level C2 list 1 vocabulary exercises

Before you take the practice test below, make sure you have looked through CEFR Level C2 vocabulary list 1.
See how many you can complete! The first 2 letters of each word are given – all you need to do is decide which word best suits the context .
1. In the 1920s, the sale of alcohol was pr by law in the USA.
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2. A dog should be trained to ob its owner.
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3. In business, it often important to cu relationships with people who have influence.
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4. The de was found not guilty and was free to leave the court.
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5. He stole the money, but returned it the following day; nobody knew what he had done, but his co would not allow him to keep it.
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6. Resources such as oil and coal are fi . We should not expect them to last forever.
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7. Cohas always surrounded this topic and many people have very strong opinions as to the best way to resolve the problem.

8. I have to co a list of references for my assignment, but apart from that it is now finished.
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CEFR Level C2 list 1 vocabulary exercises

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CEFR Level C2 list 1 vocabulary exercises