IELTS Life Skills A1 Speaking and Listening 16 to 18 minutes
The following information shows the focus of the IELTS Life Skills – A1 Speaking and Listening test and the types of tasks that you may need to complete.
- listen and respond to spoken language, including simple narratives, statements, questions and single-step instructions
- communicate basic information, feelings and opinions on familiar topics
- talk with another person in a familiar situation about familiar topics.
Tasks in the Life Skills A1 Speaking and Listening may include the following:
- describing
- giving opinions
- giving personal information
- stating preferences
- commenting
- asking for information or descriptions
- agreeing and disagreeing
- explaining, giving reasons or justifying
- deciding
- suggesting
Make sure to review the free A1 level course on this site – it’s the best way to help you prepare for the skills and abilities you need to demonstrate in the official test!
Link to official British Council examples: