Home 9 Model answer for complaining

Model answer for complaining

Now read the model below to see how to write a full letter.


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

You were recently shopping in a local clothes store and the shop assistant
was extremely rude to you.

Write a letter to the shop owner about the incident. In your letter

• explain the situation
• tell the manager how you felt
• describe what action you think they should take

Write at least 150 words

You do NOT need to write any addresses

Begin you letter as follow:


Dear Proprietor,

I am writing to you regarding an incident that occurred when I was shopping in your store last Thursday afternoon. I am sorry to say that I received some extraordinarily poor service from one of your new shop assistants; in fact, the lady in question was extremely impolite.

I was in the changing room trying on some clothes and I noticed that one of the garments was ripped. I explained the situation to the shop assistant, but she accused me of tearing the garment myself and demanded that I pay for it. I explained to her that I had no intention of paying for something I had not damaged and that I would address you directly about this issue.

I have been shopping happily in your store for a number of years and normally find your staff to be extremely helpful. I would like to suggest that you provide this staff member with some customer service training, otherwise I think she may easily have a negative effect on your business’ reputation.

I look forward to hearing your response regarding this issue.

Yours faithfully,

Jane Campion

(187 words)


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Model answer for complaining

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Model answer for complaining