Home 9 Vocabulary 9 PHRASAL VERBS: ‘Go’


Phrasal verbs are made when we use a main verb with another word (or words) to change the meaning of the main verb.
There are lots of different phrasal verbs with ‘go’. We’ll cover some of the most useful ones in this lesson.

Note: Remember, as for all phrasal verbs, phrasal verbs with ‘go’ are best used in spoken English and informal written English. It is often best to avoid using them in formal writing and even in some formal spoken situations (for example, you should avoid using them in Part 3 of the IELTS speaking test).

‘Go’ examples

  • go out
  • go on
  • go on with (something)
  • go back on (something)
  • go for (something)
  • go over (something)
  • go through (something)
  • go through with (something)
  • go with (something)
  • go along with (something)
  • go without (something)


‘Go’ (out) examples

  • go out

1. The fire went out because they ran out of wood. (fire stops burning)

  •  go out (somewhere)

2. Are you going out anywhere this weekend? (going to a social activity)

  •  go out (with someone)

3. Did you know that Liam and Trudy are going out together? (boyfriend and girlfriend relationship)

‘Go’ (on) examples

  • go on

1. Please go on. I’m really interested in what you are saying. (continue)

  •  go on

2. What is going on? Please tell me all the news as I’ve been away. (occur)

‘Go’ (on with) examples

  • go on with (something)

1. The company intends to go on with the plan despite opposition from staff. (continue as planned)

‘Go’ (back on) examples

  • go back on (something – a promise or commitment)

1. I can’t trust him because he always goes back on his word. (fail to do something you have said you will do)

‘Go’ (for) examples

  • go for (something)

1. If you want the promotion, you should go for it! (try to achieve)

  •  go for (something)

2. I could really go for a cup of coffee right now! (desire / want / crave)

‘Go’ (over) examples

  • go over (something)

1. I’ll go over the main points of the meeting again to be sure everyone understands. (review)

‘Go’ (through) examples

  • go through (something)

1. Let’s go through your assignment together to check for errors. (examine, study carefully)

  •  go through (a situation / experience)

2. It’s hard to understand what someone who has a serious illness goes through unless you have experienced it yourself. (endure, experience difficulties)

‘Go’ (through with) examples

  • go through with (something)

1. He has decided to go through with the operation despite the risks. (proceed despite difficulties / hardship)

‘Go’ (with) examples

  • go with (something)

1. I don’t think that blouse goes with the skirt. (match or suit)

‘Go’ (along with) examples

  • go along with (something – an idea / plan)

1. I’m not convinced it will work but I’m willing to go along with your plan and see what happens. (offer support to, try something)

‘Go’ (without) examples

  • go without (something)

1. A camel is well suited to desert conditions as it can go without water for extended periods of time. (abstain from, not use)

Treat an innocent person badly because you are tired or angry about something else – See more at: http://www.espressoenglish.net/18-phrasal-verbs-with-take/#sthash.Qcat5Mck.dpuf


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