Now listen to the related Part Three questions below and give your answer out loud.
NB There is no model answer for this exercise.
Now listen to the related Part Three questions below and give your answer out loud.
NB There is no model answer for this exercise.
Try this free IELTS reading practice test with instant band score. Passage 1: Driverless cars Passage 2: Scandinavian Design Passage 3: The Nobel Prize
Try this free IELTS reading practice test with instant band score. Passage 1: Base Erosion and Profit Shifting Passage 2: Cough Medicines and Cough Syrups Passage 3: The Tempest: Shakespeare’s Final Play
Try this free IELTS reading practice test with instant band score. Passage 1: A running controversy Passage 2: The development of the magazine Passage 3: The dawn of culture
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