Here is a list of some of the more widely used prefixes in the IELTS reading test. Make a note of any that you do not know.
Once you have studied the prefix list, move on to the next part of the lesson.
AFTER | Following behind | Afternoon, afterthought |
ANTE (SEE ALSO PRE) | Before | Antecedent, antenatal |
ANTI | Against | Anticrime, antipollution, antivirus |
AUTO | Self, same | Autobiography, automatic, autopilot |
BENE | Good, well | Benefactor, beneficial |
BI | Two | Biannual, bicycle |
BIO | Life, living organism | Biology, biophysics, biotechnology |
EX | Former | Ex wife |
GEO | Of the earth, geography | Geography, geomagnetism, geophysics, geopolitics |
HOMO | Same or similar | homogenous |
HYPER | Excessive, excessively | Hyperactive, hypercritical, hypersensitive |
HYPO | Under | Hypodermic (under the skin), hypothermia |
INTER | Between, among | Intervene, international |
INTRA | Inside, within | Intravenous, intranet |
MAL | Bad, badly | Malpractice, malformed, maladjusted |
MICRO | Small | Microcosm, microscope |
MIS | Wrong | Misspell, misconception |
MONO | One, single, alone | Monochrome, monosyllable, monoxide, monorail |
MULTI | More than one | Multitude, multiverse |
NON | Not | Non-reactive, non-smoker |
OMNI | All, everywhere | Omnipresent |
PAN | All around, worldwide | Panorama, pandemic |
POLY | Many | Polygamy, polygon |
POST | After | Post-war |
PRE (SEE ALSO ANTE) | Before | Precede, precursor |
RE | Back, again | Retreat, redo, reverse |
RETRO | Backward | Retroactive, retrospective |
SUB | Under, beneath | Subway, submarine, substandard |
SUPER | Above, over | Superior, supersensitive |
SYN | Like, same | Synonymous, synonyms, synchronise |
THERM | Heat | Thermometer, isotherm |
TRANS | Move from one to another | Transport, transatlantic, translate |
TRI | Three | Triangle, tricycle, triplets |