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Second conditional

The table below shows the form and use of the second conditional. Read the information given and then move on to the questions on the next page.

Type Usage Form Example
Second To speculate about
hypothetical, imaginary or unlikely situations in the future (the speaker/writer believes that it is only
hypothetical or it  is unlikely or
even  impossible for the situation to occur
if + past simple… + would + base verb If everyone drove safely, there would be fewer accidents on our roads.


5 steps in critical thinking

Being able to critically consider something you are reading is essential these days to make sure what you are reading is true. Here are 5 points to consider for critical thinking: 1. Consider the source Where is the information you are reading, watching or listening...

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Talking about diet

'Diet' refers to the food you eat, and can also mean an attempt to reduce your weight by eating fewer calories a day. Collocations: a balanced diet (a diet consisting of a variety of different types of food that have enough of the nutrients necessary for good health)....

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Second conditional

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Second conditional