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Unit 1 Task 1 model answer 1

Task 1

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

You have been studying overseas and staying as a guest with a family for the last 6 months and have recently returned home. Write to the family. In your letter

  • Thank them for having you
  • Say what you enjoyed about living with them
  • Tell them what your current plans are

You do NOT need to write any addresses.

Begin your letter as follows:


Write at least 150 words.

Dear Kath, Dave and Jamie,

Well, I’m back home now, and I just wanted to write to you to say thanks once again for a lovely time and your wonderful hospitality – I had such a great experience and it was really kind of you to open your home to me.

Since I left, there have been a lot of things I have missed, but the main thing is Kath’s cooking! Such wonderful meals prepared at home were one of my best memories of staying with you, especially now that I am back cooking for myself.

I am still thinking about studying something else at university, but for now I have taken a temporary job. I’m not really enjoying it, but I need to put a little money aside before I can go back to being a student. I have a few months before I need to make a decision and I’ve already arranged to meet a careers advisor to give me some ideas, so we’ll see what they suggest.

Anyway, I hope you are all well and hope we’ll keep in touch.


(182 words)


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Unit 1 Task 1 model answer 1

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Unit 1 Task 1 model answer 1