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Unit 4 Task 1 model answer 2

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

An old friend is coming to town and has invited you to go to the cinema. Write to your friend. In your letter

  • Explain that you are unable to come
  • Find out how long your friend is staying in town
  • Arrange a suitable time to meet

You do NOT need to write any addresses.

Begin your letter as follows:


Write at least 150 words.

Dear Bill,

Hope you’re keeping well and the kids are fine. Thanks for asking me to come to the cinema, but I’m going to have to pass I’m afraid – I have already arranged to catch up with a few people from the place I used to work. My old boss is retiring, so it’d be good to catch up with him before he leaves.

How long will you have? We can arrange another night or why don’t you come along to the party I’m going to? I’m sure you’ll have a good time, and I think you’ve already met a few of the people at that Christmas party a few years ago. It probably won’t go on too late, so we could perhaps go somewhere afterwards?

If you’re keen, I can pick you up at the station and you can spend the night with us at our place – it’ll be like old times!

All the best,


(159 words)


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Unit 4 Task 1 model answer 2

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Unit 4 Task 1 model answer 2