Home 9 Unit 7 vocabulary list

Unit 7 vocabulary list

Unit 7 vocabulary list.

  • Look carefully through the list to make sure you know the words and are confident that you can use them in your written or spoken English.
  • Look up the meaning of any new words and put them in a sentence.
  • Make a handwritten note of any new words, ideally in a separate note pad that you carry with you. Whenever you have a few minutes – waiting for a bus, just before going to sleep, waiting for the kettle to boil – take out the list and look through, reminding yourself of the word and the meaning.
  • Improving your vocabulary for IELTS takes practice, so try to use the new word(s) in any suitable situation over the next few weeks – using the new word will help you remember it!
  • Write the new word a number of times – writing down vocabulary will help you remember it and will also help with spelling.


absent absolute absorb
academy accurate accuse
achieve actual adequate
advice advise agriculture
ambitious ancient angle
anxiety appearance application
appoint approve area
arise arrest ashamed
astonish audience author
avoidance awkward baggage
band bare bargain
barrel basis basket
beam beard beg
behave behavior belief
belong beneath bind
birth bitter blade
bleed bless boast
boil border bound
boundary bow brass
breath breathe brick
bunch bundle businesslike
calculate calculation calculator
cape cart castle
charm chart chest
childhood chimney claim
classic classify clerk
cliff commit committee
community companion complication
comprehensive compute confident
confidential conflict confuse
connect consent consequent
consume contact contain
content contract contradict
contrary contrast contribute
converse convert convince
coordinate corporate correspond
council courage course
court creature credit
crop crucial cruel
culture currency cushion
custom decade decision
decisive decline decrease
deed defense definite
degree delay delicate
delight dependent depress
deserve desire despair
detect determine develop
device devote differentiate
disapprove discomfort discontent
discuss discussion disease
disgust dispose disregard
disrespect dissatisfaction dissatisfy
distinct distinguish divide
division domestic drawer
dream drought dubious
economy edit efficiency
efficient elastic elect
election element encourage
enemy ensure entire
equip equivalent error
essential estate estimate
everlasting evident exception
exhibit existence expand
extraordinary faint famine
fluctuate minor occupy
reduce rely severe
shadow volatile  

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Unit 7 vocabulary list

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Unit 7 vocabulary list