Home 9 Unit 8 vocabulary list

Unit 8 vocabulary list

Unit 8 vocabulary list.

  • Look carefully through the list to make sure you know the words and are confident that you can use them in your written or spoken English.
  • Look up the meaning of any new words and put them in a sentence.
  • Make a handwritten note of any new words, ideally in a separate note pad that you carry with you. Whenever you have a few minutes – waiting for a bus, just before going to sleep, waiting for the kettle to boil – take out the list and look through, reminding yourself of the word and the meaning.
  • Improving your vocabulary for IELTS takes practice, so try to use the new word(s) in any suitable situation over the next few weeks – using the new word will help you remember it!
  • Write the new word a number of times – writing down vocabulary will help you remember it and will also help with spelling.


affliction assess collision
conclude cork decay
enforce facilitate initial
injure input inquire
inquiry insight institute
integral integrate intend
intense intention interference
interval intervene isolate
jewel justice justify
landlord latter leash
legal legislate literary
literature loyal loyalty
lung maintain manipulate
mankind manner manual
media mercy mere
migrate minister ministry
minuscule miserable misery
mode moderate moderation
modify monitor moral
moreover motif motion
motive murder mutual
mystery nausea needle
network neutral noble
noise nuclear nuisance
numerical object objection
objective obtain occasion
offend offense official
operate operation operator
oppose opposition organ
origin participate particular
patriotic peculiar perceive
persist persuade persuasion
policy polish pose
potential praise pray
preach precede precious
precise prejudice preliminary
presence preserve president
presume presumptuous prime
proceed proportion prospect
provision proximity psychology
pursue quantity quarrel
quashed quenching radical
random range rank
ratio rational raw
ray razor realise
reason reasonable receive
recognise recognition recommend
record recover refer
reference refresh regulate
reinforce reject relate
reluctance remark remedy
replenish represent representative
reproduce reproduction republic
reputation reside resist
resistance resolve restrain
retain reticent revolution
sacred sake scarce
scatter scent scheme
scorn scrape sector
sequence series serious
significant simulate situation
sketchy slave social
society sphere spite
stable stain statistic
successor sufficient thorn
transform unify uproar
utilise violate  

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Unit 8 vocabulary list

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Unit 8 vocabulary list