Home 9 Using ‘that’ in Task 1 reports

Using ‘that’ in Task 1 reports

The difference between reaching your IELTS goals and having to take the test again can often depend on a single sentence, and one of the most common errors in Task 1 sentence constructions is the use of ‘that’. Test your knowledge by taking the quiz below – just click the link to get started!


Academic IELTS free reading test 2

Try this free IELTS reading practice test with instant band score. Passage 1: Base Erosion and Profit Shifting Passage 2: Cough Medicines and Cough Syrups Passage 3: The Tempest: Shakespeare’s Final Play

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Academic IELTS free reading test 1

Try this free IELTS reading practice test with instant band score. Passage 1: A running controversy Passage 2: The development of the magazine Passage 3: The dawn of culture

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Using ‘that’ in Task 1 reports

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Using ‘that’ in Task 1 reports