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Video: Analysing the question


Analysing the question. Here is an example of a Task 2 opinions essay that is asking you to challenge a point of view. As the instructions are always the same for Task 2, we can ignore those and focus directly on the question. However, before you can begin to plan an answer, you need to be clear on exactly what you are being asked to write about. Many Task 2 questions, particularly this type, can be divided into three sections, and this can sometimes make it more difficult to identify what your focus should be.

The first part is the general topic, which introduces the main question. This is commonly accepted as being true, so therefore your essay should not spend too much time on this aspect of the question. The second part of the question is the specific topic. This is the section of the question that you need to focus on in your answer. The final part of Task 2 are the task words, telling you what you should do. In this case, you are being asked whether you agree or disagree.


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Video: Analysing the question

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Video: Analysing the question