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Video: Ideas for an introduction


There are a number of good and bad ideas about writing an introduction to Task II. Giving an indication of what you are going to write about. This is a good idea. It shows the examiner that your essay will be cohesive and coherent. Giving a brief history of the topic. This is not a good idea. You only have 250 words to present your ideas, and giving a history of the topic is not what the task asks you to do. Writing at least 65 words. This is not a good idea. On average, a good introduction is between thirty and forty words. If you write much more than that, then you will not have enough time or words to complete your main paragraphs. Using vocabulary from the question. This is not a good idea. Rephrasing words from the title will give you a better score. Simply copying will not demonstrate your ability to the examiner. Giving a general statement about the topic in the first sentence and a contrasting point in the second. This is a good idea. It demonstrates to the examiner that you have understood the topic and the task. Using introductory phrases like ‘In modern society’ and ‘Nowadays’. This is not a good idea. These words have been so overused that native speakers rarely use them in academic writing.


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Video: Ideas for an introduction

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Video: Ideas for an introduction