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Video: Planning your letter


Once you have decided what type of question you have to answer and what skills you will need to use, you should then think about the type of person you have to write to and therefore the register you will have to use. Next, you need to think about an appropriate way to start the letter; this relates to register and the type of person you are writing to. We will look at this in greater detail later in the lesson. Next, you should think about what you are going to include in the body of the letter. As you should know by now, you need to cover all of the bullet points in the question. At this point, you should be considering how you are going to paragraph your work. Remember that a paragraph is built around one common idea. You should also plan how you can expand your ideas to meet the required number of words. Remember that you can only expand your letter with original and relevant points. For example, let’s look at this question here. You could expand your letter by giving some extra information about how the interview went, for example, but including information such as this would not be relevant and you would lose marks. Once you have planned what you are going to say in the body of your letter you need to think about an appropriate ending. Again, this relates to register and who you are writing to and should be relevant to the content of your letter. We will look at endings later in the lesson.


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Video: Planning your letter

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Video: Planning your letter