Now let’s look at the steps we have just seen with the exercise you completed at the start of the lesson. After reading the question closely, we would then note the question word. Remember that different question words will help you identify the type of information you are looking for. What will tell you that you looking for a noun, Who will tell you that you looking for a person, where will tell you that you looking for a place, When will tell you that you looking for a time, Which will tell you that you looking for a choice from a limited number of options, Why will tell you that you looking for a reason, and How will tell you that you looking for an explanation. In our example, the question word is what so we know we are looking for a noun. Next, identify the keywords that will help you locate the relevant area of the passage. In this example, useful keywords are mammal and dinosaur. Now we turn to the passage and find the relevant section. Once we have found a section of the text that looks appropriate, turn back to the question and read it again. Then read the section of the passage in detail. For this question, the correct answer is bats.