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Video: Quiz feedback


Now let’s apply the skills we have just learned to the diagram we saw at the beginning of the lesson. First, we would look closely at the diagram. In this case, the label is hemispheres of the brain. Now we would look for any other keywords that would help us locate the area of the passage. In this example, memory, speaking, drawing, thinking, functions are all possible keywords. Now we need to find the correct area of the passage. Looking through the passage, you need to find a reference to other labels that are on the diagram. Once you are sure you have found the correct area, read the section of the passage in detail, follow the description, and label your diagram. Remember that not every word from the diagram will be exactly matched in the passage. For example, question 3 in the diagram refers to speaking, whereas in the text we have the word ‘speech’.


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Video: Quiz feedback

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Video: Quiz feedback