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Video: Steps for multiple choice questions


Here are the steps for answering this type of question. Step 1. Read the instructions carefully. Sometimes you are asked for one answer and sometimes more than one answer. Step 2. Identify the keywords and the qualifying words. You should also be considering how these could be rephrased. In step 3, you should make sure that you understand the differences in options that you have been given. Sometimes the options are similar such as you might be deciding whether the answer is 1, 3 or 4 years, in other questions the choices could be significantly different. Once the recording starts you should identify the answer and write it on the question paper, as you would with all question types. Remember it is important to keep listening as you are writing down your answers. We will now practice multiple choice questions in a Section 3 recording. There are also some summary completion questions, as a review of a previous lesson.


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Video: Steps for multiple choice questions

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Video: Steps for multiple choice questions