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Video: The language of trends #2


Just describing the direction of the trend is not enough to get a good result in your IELTS test. You will also need to describe the speed and amount of change in the trend. In each of these illustrations, you can see that there was a downward trend. However, the speed and amount of this decrease is different for each one. In illustration 1, you can describe the trend as a rapid, sharp, significant, dramatic or abrupt decrease. In illustration 2, you can describe the trend as a moderate or steady decrease. In the final illustration, the decrease was slight, gradual or marginal. These are the adjectives which help show speed and amount of change. Depending on how you construct your sentence, you can also use the following adverbs. The next presentation will show you when to use adjectives and when to use adverbs.


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The future perfect and the future continuous at Level B2

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Video: The language of trends #2

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Video: The language of trends #2