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Video: Tips for answering True / False / Not given questions


Here are some tips for this style of question. Tip 1. Remember, with this style of question, to make sure that you are clear on what you are being asked to do – if the question asks for Yes, No or Not Given, then transfer your answers accordingly. Writing True instead of Yes means that your answer will be wrong. Tip 2. The answers for this style of question will come in the order of the passage, so once you have answered a question, you will not need to return to the beginning of the passage to find the next answer. Tip 3. Remember the following guidelines when deciding on your answer: YES / TRUE is only used if the statement and passage fully agree. NO / FALSE is used if the statement and passage contradict each other. NOT GIVEN is used when the statement is neither confirmed or contradicted. However, with Not Given answers, you can expect to see part of the statement, but it will not be fully supported.

Remember our previous example, in which some of the keywords were in the passage, but not all of them. Sufficient was rephrased as adequate, accommodation was rephrased as housing but wealthy was not mentioned. Tip 4. Another important point to remember is that the question is asking you about the passage, not your own knowledge. Make sure that you do not answer the question based only on what you think. Tip 5. As with all question types, never leave a blank space in your answer sheet – if you cannot find the answer, write your best guess. This is especially true for this kind of question as you have a 33% chance of being correct.


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Video: Tips for answering True / False / Not given questions

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Video: Tips for answering True / False / Not given questions