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Vocabulary for talking about the news at Level B1

Vocabulary for talking about the news at Level B1Vocabulary for talking about the news at Level B1. Let’s look at some of the vocabulary we use to talk about the news.

Types of news:

  • current affairs (also called ‘current events’)
  • politics
  • weather
  • traffic
  • entertainment
  • local/national/international news

People involved in the news:

  • journalists (the person who researches and writes for the newspapers or other news outlets)
  • reporters (the people who tell the public the news)
  • anchors (also anchorman/anchorwoman – the person with the lead role on the television news)
  • columnist (someone who writes a regular section)
  • political correspondent (someone who reports on political news)
  • presenter (the person in front of the camera in a studio)

Style of news writing:

  • Sensationalist (making a story overly exciting or shocking – and generally less factual/accurate)
  • Opinion piece (presenting an opinion on a news item)
  • Impartial/objective (avoid opinion or bias – simply focusing on the facts)

Verbs relating to the news:

  • to publish a story (to put a story into print or an a website for the public to see)
  • to retract (or ‘a retraction’ – when something that was publish is now publicly withdrawn for being wrong, often with an apology)
  • to cover a story (to investigate and report on a story)
  • to leak a story (when information that was supposed to be secret is reported on publicly)
  • go on the record (saying something publicly and officially – the opposite of ‘off the record‘, where the speaker will deny it if it is made public)

Types of news media:

  • broadcast journalism (this is news that is broadcast on the TV or radio)
  • online news
  • magazines , journals and periodicals
  • print journalism (newspapers and magazines)
  • broadsheets (bigger newspapers – less common these days, but ones that fold out to A3 size)
  • tabloid newspapers (‘the tabloids’) – a newspaper that is smaller than a broadsheet, often with stories that are design to shock or excite people but may not necessarily be factual.

Here are some more useful phrases you need to know:

Breaking news: Breaking news refers to a news story that contains information about an event that has just happened and is still developing. Updates about the situation are often added in real time. For example, a breaking news story might arise if a crisis situation occurs such as a war breaking out or another type of conflict situation starting, or in relation to a political situation or other important piece of news.

Top story: The ‘top story’ is the most important /first presented piece of news presented on the broadcast news. Often the television news will start with ‘Our top story tonight…’

A fluff piece: A news article that is not important and is often very light (not serious). The television news often ends with a fluff piece – some piece of local news about what a local cat has been doing, for example.

Now you have some more vocabulary for talking about the news at Level B1, look out for these news words!


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Vocabulary for talking about the news at Level B1

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Vocabulary for talking about the news at Level B1