Home 9 Free PTE preparation resources 9 PTE Listening Highlight incorrect words exercise 1

PTE Listening Highlight incorrect words exercise 1

PTE Listening Highlight incorrect words exercise 1Now test your skills with PTE Listening Highlight incorrect words exercise 1. To simulate the real PTE test, you should only play the audio ONCE.

You will hear a recording about. Below is a transcript of the recording. Some words in the transcription differ from what the speaker(s) said.  Please click on the words that are different.

Scroll down to see the full transcript with the correct answers.


Good afternoon and thank you very much for inviting me to the community HALL for this brief presentation on music – or to be more SPECIFIC, vinyl records and record players. Now, as I am sure many of you are aware, RECORDS have once again become very popular in many countries, and record sales are nearly at the point of OVERTAKING CD sales – that figure is not the units sold, but the overall amount spent on this FORMAT. Of course, digital music from streaming SERVICES is still the major format MOST people use to listen to music, but the gap between digital music and records is closing.


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PTE Listening Highlight incorrect words exercise 1

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PTE Listening Highlight incorrect words exercise 1